Actions in QTP

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When generating a new check, which contains a call to action. By breaking the tests in calls to multiple actions, they can design more modular & well-organized & professional tests. An action has its own check script, which contains all the steps recorded in the action, & all objects in its local object repository. An action is stored with the check in which it was created.Shares of breaking the check in to logical sections & units such as specific activities to perform in our application.If you generate a check that records in the technique (electronic mail), check inbox, & then log off the technique (email), the check can be structured as shown-a check of calling two different actions :

Check 1
Actions stored with Check 1
Call to Action 1 ---> Action 1 (access)
Call to action 2 ---> Action 2 (check inbox messages)
Call to Action 3 ---> Action 3 (checking out)

The actions help shape & repeat over specific elements of a check. They also make it not as hard to re-record the steps in an action when a portion of the application changes. For every action called for the check, QuickTest creates a corresponding action sheet in the information table so they can enter the parameters of the information table that are specific to that action only.Two types of actions are: Action not reusable reusable This action can not be called two times & that in the check that is stored.Action items are as reusable reusable functions in any programming language. If there is a method that must be included in several tests, you can register, alter & improve the method steps & save them in a reusable resource. Then they can call the action of other evidence, in lieu of recording, modifying & improving the same steps each time. It can be called several times by the check that is stored (the local check) as well as by other evidence.Deleting a reusable action is called by other evidence that the tests will fail.The external action is a reusable action stored with another check. External actions are read-only check in the call, but they select to use a local copy can edit the information in the information table for external action. When a call to an external action is inserted, the action is inserted in read-only format By default, the new shares are not reusable. Each share created on a check may be marked as non-reusable or reusable.You can make an additional call to any reusable or external action in the check by pressing the CTRL key while you drag & drop the action to another location in a parallel (sibling) level of the check.If you expect others to open their evidence & all actions in the tests are stored in the same unit, you ought to use relative paths for your reusable actions so other users can open their evidence, even if they have set their network drives differently.When jogging a check with multiple actions, check results are divided by the actions taken at each iteration so that they can see the outcome of each action, & can see detailed results of each individual action.

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